Does Aspirin Help with Sciatica Pain?
Does Aspirin Help with Sciatica Pain? Sciatica pain is so common. In fact, 4 out of 10 adults can experience pain at different levels. It often radiates from the lower back pain down to either of the buttocks. If left untreated, this pain can reach all the way to the foot, making the pain less […]
How Back Pain Can Be Misdiagnosed
Like other health issues, back pain can also be misdiagnosed. Why do diagnostic errors happen and how does chiropractic help with pain relief?
Maintaining Your Spine Health While Working From Home
During this time of the pandemic, we’ve taken most of our careers indoors. So how do we prioritize our spine health while we work from home?
Is Your Newborn Developing Properly?
Parents need to take care of their newborn baby’s neurological development. How do you know they’re developing properly neurologically?
5 Tips to Help Reduce Low Back Pain During Pregnancy
Being pregnant introduces moms-to-be to several types of pains especially lower back pain. Here are some ways to help reduce it.
7 Reasons Why Pregnant Women Choose Structural Chiropractic
Pregnant women often turn to structural chiropractic for back pain relief. Here are 7 reasons why this procedure suits them best.
How OMEGA-3 Can Prevent Inflammation
Many Americans tend to underestimate the dangers of inflammation to several health issues. How does OMEGA-3 help with this growing problem?
How Sugar Has Ruined America
How Sugar Has Ruined America Sugar seems to be everywhere nowadays; almost all food products contain some type of artificial or additive sugars. In fact, companies add sugar to their products to increase sales. This is because America is addicted to sugar. The average American consumes up to 100g of sugar a day — the […]
The Benefits of Chiropractic to Kids with ADHD
Children with ADHD can benefit from chiropractic procedures, too! Here is a list of the positive effects that chiropractic brings to children!
What is “Text Neck” and How Can You Prevent your Kids from Having it?
In today’s modern world, people spend a lot of time on their phones. This is due to the fact that almost everything can now be accessed in a touch of a button – from booking tickets, paying bills, shopping, ordering food, groceries, and you name it the mobile phone has it. We just can’t get […]