“Oh My Goodness…..”
This is without a doubt the number one response I hear from people when they actually see how well (or usually not so well) their Nerve System is functioning for the first time.
In other words….how poorly their brain is communicating with and coordinating everything else in the body which is dependent on an optimal nerve supply….which is EVERY PART of the body!
We have been indoctrinated as a society to believe that health comes from outside the body. Put another way, we are always looking for just the right pill, potion, lotion, exercise, break through surgery, or medication to solve our problems. The reality is that our bodies were intelligently created and just like there is a conductor for an orchestra to ensure there is proper communication, control and harmony between all of the parts of the orchestra, the same is true of the human body.
It just so happens that the Nerve System (brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves) is the conductor for everything in the body!
Common Secondary Conditions (aka symptoms) that Americans suffer from every day have been written off as being “normal”, when in reality these are more often than not Indicators of Spinal Abnormalities affecting the proper function of the Nerve System.
Watch the video below and see what makes Intero Chiropractic so unique when it comes to providing answers and a practical solution for you, utilizing innovative thermographic analysis, not just for your first visit…but EVERY visit.