Fit the Patient to the Procedure? Or Fit the Procedure to the Patient?

Doctor: “Sally, do you think your spine is the same as the next person I’m going to take care of?” Patient: “Well, no, not at all doctor.” Doctor: “Do you think we should try to fit you to one table that someone else responds well to, or should we fit the right table to your […]

90% of the nutrition for your brain is dependent on this one thing

We’ve probably all heard by this point that brain health is pretty fundamental for the health of your whole body…..and if you haven’t then it’s time to get with the program because it’s the foundation for the human experience!  The function of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves relates to the overall health and resilience […]

One major factor associated with ALL-CAUSE mortality and what to do to assess it

I want you to picture in your mind, just for a second, the physical framework of someone you’ve seen recently that is anxious or even depressed… Almost everyone agrees that this person they are picturing is typically hunched very far forward and their posture has shifted significantly from what would be considered normal. It has been found through research that abnormal posture is associated with poor physical function, impaired […]

What is Juvenile Arthritis and What to do About It?

Over a quarter of a million children are now being diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis.  The largest portion of this population consists of children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, which basically means the cause is largely unknown. Parents may write off their child’s symptoms because they can often mimic signs of the flu or an allergic reaction.  Itchiness, redness of joints, swelling, […]