I want you to picture in your mind, just for a second, the physical framework of someone you’ve seen recently that is anxious or even depressed…
Almost everyone agrees that this person they are picturing is typically hunched very far forward and their posture has shifted significantly from what would be considered normal.
It has been found through research that abnormal posture is associated with poor physical function, impaired pulmonary function, pain and disability and increased mortality.Watch the short video above, to learn how the doctors at Intero Chiropractic take each patient’s care to the next level but visually evaluating your structure each time you come into the office and things you can be looking for in your friends and loved ones to help them be more proactive in their health.
1. Ailon T, Shaffrey C, Lenke L Harrop J, Smith J. Progressive Spinal Kyphosis in the Aging Population. Neurosurgery. 2015 Oct; 77 Suppl 4: S164-72